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Configuration for the model interfaces.

ModelInterfaceConfig dataclass

Constants used as default HPs in the model interfaces.

These constants are not exposed to the models' init on purpose to reduce the complexity for users. Furthermore, most of these should not be optimized over by the (standard) user.

Several of the preprocessing options are supported by our code for efficiency reasons (to avoid loading TabPFN multiple times). However, these can also be applied outside of the model interface.

CLASS_SHIFT_METHOD class-attribute instance-attribute

CLASS_SHIFT_METHOD: Literal["rotate", "shuffle"] | None = (

The method used to shift classes during preprocessing for ensembling to emulate the effect of invariance to class order. Without ensembling, TabPFN is not invariant to class order due to using a transformer. Shifting classes can have a positive effect on the model's performance. The options are: - If "shuffle", the classes are shuffled. - If "rotate", the classes are rotated (think of a ring). - If None, no class shifting is done.

FEATURE_SHIFT_METHOD class-attribute instance-attribute

    Literal["shuffle", "rotate"] | None
) = "shuffle"

The method used to shift features during preprocessing for ensembling to emulate the effect of invariance to feature position. Without ensembling, TabPFN is not invariant to feature position due to using a transformer. Moreover, shifting features can have a positive effect on the model's performance. The options are: - If "shuffle", the features are shuffled. - If "rotate", the features are rotated (think of a ring). - If None, no feature shifting is done.

FINGERPRINT_FEATURE class-attribute instance-attribute


Whether to add a fingerprint feature to the data. The added feature is a hash of the row, counting up for duplicates. This helps TabPFN to distinguish between duplicated data points in the input data. Otherwise, duplicates would be less obvious during attention. This is expected to improve prediction performance and help with stability if the data has many sample duplicates.

FIX_NAN_BORDERS_AFTER_TARGET_TRANSFORM class-attribute instance-attribute


Whether to repair any borders of the bar distribution in regression that are NaN after the transformation. This can happen due to multiple reasons and should in general always be done.

MAX_NUMBER_OF_CLASSES class-attribute instance-attribute


The number of classes seen during pretraining for classification. If the number of classes is larger than this number, TabPFN requires an additional step to predict for more than classes.

MAX_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES class-attribute instance-attribute


The number of features that the pretraining was intended for. If the number of features is larger than this number, you may see degraded performance. Note, this is not the number of features seen by the model during pretraining but also accounts for expected generalization (i.e., length extrapolation).

MAX_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES class-attribute instance-attribute


The number of samples that the pretraining was intended for. If the number of samples is larger than this number, you may see degraded performance. Note, this is not the number of samples seen by the model during pretraining but also accounts for expected generalization (i.e., length extrapolation).

MAX_UNIQUE_FOR_CATEGORICAL_FEATURES class-attribute instance-attribute


The maximum number of unique values for a feature to be considered categorical. Otherwise, it is considered numerical.

MIN_NUMBER_SAMPLES_FOR_CATEGORICAL_INFERENCE class-attribute instance-attribute


The minimum number of samples in the data to run our infer which features might be categorical.

MIN_UNIQUE_FOR_NUMERICAL_FEATURES class-attribute instance-attribute


The minimum number of unique values for a feature to be considered numerical. Otherwise, it is considered categorical.

OUTLIER_REMOVAL_STD class-attribute instance-attribute

OUTLIER_REMOVAL_STD: float | None | Literal["auto"] = "auto"

The number of standard deviations from the mean to consider a sample an outlier. - If None, no outliers are removed. - If float, the number of standard deviations from the mean to consider a sample an outlier. - If "auto", the OUTLIER_REMOVAL_STD is automatically determined. -> 12.0 for classification and None for regression.

POLYNOMIAL_FEATURES class-attribute instance-attribute

POLYNOMIAL_FEATURES: Literal['no', 'all'] | int = 'no'

The number of 2 factor polynomial features to generate and add to the original data before passing the data to TabPFN. The polynomial features are generated by multiplying the original features together, e.g., this might add a feature x1*x2 to the features, if x1 and x2 are features. In total, this can add up O(n^2) many features. Adding polynomial features can improve predictive performance by exploiting simple feature engineering. - If "no", no polynomial features are added. - If "all", all possible polynomial features are added. - If an int, determines the maximal number of polynomial features to add to the original data.

PREPROCESS_TRANSFORMS class-attribute instance-attribute

    list[PreprocessorConfig | dict] | None
) = None

The preprocessing applied to the data before passing it to TabPFN. See PreprocessorConfig for options and more details. If a list of PreprocessorConfig is provided, the preprocessors are (repeatedly) applied across different estimators.

By default, for classification, two preprocessors are applied: 1. Uses the original input data, all features transformed with a quantile scaler, and the first n-many components of SVD transformer (whereby n is a fract of on the number of features or samples). Categorical features are ordinal encoded but all categories with less than 10 features are ignored. 2. Uses the original input data, with categorical features as ordinal encoded.

By default, for regression, two preprocessor are applied: 1. The same as for classification, with a minimal different quantile scaler. 2. The original input data power transformed and categories onehot encoded.

REGRESSION_Y_PREPROCESS_TRANSFORMS class-attribute instance-attribute

    Literal["safepower", "power", "quantile_norm", None],
] = (None, "safepower")

The preprocessing applied to the target variable before passing it to TabPFN for regression. This can be understood as scaling the target variable to better predict it. The preprocessors should be passed as a tuple/list and are then (repeatedly) used by the estimators in the ensembles.

By default, we use no preprocessing and a power transformation (if we have more than one estimator).

The options are
  • If None, no preprocessing is done.
  • If "power", a power transformation is applied.
  • If "safepower", a power transformation is applied with a safety factor to avoid numerical issues.
  • If "quantile_norm", a quantile normalization is applied.

SUBSAMPLE_SAMPLES class-attribute instance-attribute

SUBSAMPLE_SAMPLES: int | float | None = None

Subsample the input data sample/row-wise before performing any preprocessing and the TabPFN forward pass. - If None, no subsampling is done. - If an int, the number of samples to subsample (or oversample if SUBSAMPLE_SAMPLES is larger than the number of samples). - If a float, the percentage of samples to subsample.

USE_SKLEARN_16_DECIMAL_PRECISION class-attribute instance-attribute


Whether to round the probabilities to float 16 to match the precision of scikit-learn. This can help with reproducibility and compatibility with scikit-learn but is not recommended for general use. This is not exposed to the user or as a hyperparameter. To improve reproducibility,set ._sklearn_16_decimal_precision = True before calling .predict() or .predict_proba().

from_user_input staticmethod

    *, inference_config: dict | ModelInterfaceConfig | None
) -> ModelInterfaceConfig

Converts the user input to a ModelInterfaceConfig object.

The input inference_config can be a dictionary, a ModelInterfaceConfig object, or None. If a dictionary is passed, the keys must match the attributes of ModelInterfaceConfig. If a ModelInterfaceConfig object is passed, it is returned as is. If None is passed, a new ModelInterfaceConfig object is created with default values.